Strategies to Get Free Entry to Events
Money doesn’t come easy. So what are the insider tips on conserving cash by getting free entry at your favorite spot for Salsa dancing? Follow some of the clean strategies below on getting in for free and save some cash. Follow the dirty tactics below on free entry and test your luck.
Dirty Tactics
This is stuff people try when they see the event organizer at the door as they are trying to get in.
They say… Yo, you remember. We were in the 5th grade class. Or, I knew you “back in the day”.
You think...I didn’t much like you then, and I don’t much like you now.
They say… I’m showing my loyalty. I’m wearing the t-shirt from your dance company when I took classes with you 4 years ago.
You think… I’m actually embarrassed in seeing you wear that faded shirt that is two sizes too small for you. Please take it off.
They say… The hired DJ / Instructor just shows up with a crew of 14 assistants and says at the door…”They are with me.”
You think… So when did the “new math” start to equate a Plus One with the number 14? That needs to be approved in advance.
Being needy or manipulative is unattractive.
They say…. So, listen. Ummm, I helped you carry in all of your heavy equipment and boxes, so do you think I get in for free?
You think…. Oh…so you weren’t just trying to be nice. You were trying to get something in return?
They say… You know, I shared your event 4 times in Facebook to all 26 of my friends.
You think… Are they here?
They say… You know, I’m a Promoter / DJ / Instructor over in Big City, and would you extend professional courtesy and let me in for free?
You think… Yes, I remember you. And I remember paying a cover charge at your event over there that was triple what you need to pay here in Small Town.
They say… “Hola papi.” She has an undeniable mist of sensuality hovering around her. PLUS, she kisses you on the cheek and hugs up on you for 2 tight seconds.
You think… Yeah…I’ll let her in.
Related Article: 6 Tips for Salsa Dancing on a Budget

Clean Strategy on Getting in for Free
Be Useful
Sometimes help is needed getting equipment setup. Help may be needed helping new people learn their basic steps during an introductory class., and so on. An owner or event organizer may give you free entrance in exchange for you helping with a task that night. Be careful though. Sometimes the right thing is to be helpful and and not ask for anything in return. Another thing, don’t hover like you want them to offer something either. Do your good deed and move along without drawing attention to yourself. The last thing on being useful is this; just because they needed your help last week doesn’t mean that they need or want it this week. That task may have been given to someone else this week. Or it may not need to be done this week.
Be Early
Some events try to build a crowd earlier in the evening by allowing free or reduced price admission if you arrive by a certain time.
Be Late
Some events in various cities will stop collecting at the door or reduce the cover charge when there are only 30 minutes or less left until the end of the night. No issues with this if you are okay with missing out on a full night of dancing. Just don’t be one of those people who whine or argue about paying full price if they don’t reduce the entrance fee. Nobody made you arrive super late. The person collecting at the door is not likely the person who makes the rules, so give ’em a break.
Be A Leader
Collect of group of your friends. Let the Promoter know in advance via email or inbox that you are bringing a group (think 5 or more people). She/He may offer to give you free entry or let you in at a reduced rate. It’s okay to ask how many you would need to bring to have your entry fee waved.
Carry your own weight.
Be A Winner
Some weekly events give a way a free prize, possibly free admission, for different types of contests or promotions. Be sure to enter all of those contests. You may win.
Be A Guest
If you have a legitimate reason why the organizer might put you on the guest list, let Her/Him know in advance via email that you will be coming. If you arrive and they check the list and you are not on it, then it’s better to pay at the door. If you see the organizer later on, you can politely let them know that there was a misunderstanding at the door about your name on the list. They may refund you.
Final Thoughts
Try to carry your own weight. Always. I understand. You’re a student, or a single mom, or whatever. Cash is tight. Whatever your situation is, don’t be one of those people who are always pestering the Owner or Promoter to give you something to do so that you don’t have to pay. Being needy or manipulative is unattractive.
At times, someone will offer to pay for you or let you get something for free. As a rule, politely decline. There is the risk that declining the offer will offend the person. How do you know when it is rude to decline the offer? Here’s how I do it. Politely decline as you get out your money to pay. Sometimes a person will offer out of courtesy but is perfectly comfortable with you paying for yourself. When they see that you are attempting to pay for yourself, if they still insist on paying for you, then graciously accept and say thank you.
Following these tips can save you some cash as well as make you a more likable person in the Salsa dance community.
Talk Back: Have you found other ways of controlling your expenses as you enjoy participating in the Latin dance community? Please let us know. We just want to learn from each other’s experiences so that we can grow together. Message us through our contact page.
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